Personal Trainer Course (Coaching)
with NLP Emphasis
In accordance with the requirements of the Institute of Coaching in Israel
And the Association of Counselors and Family Therapists in Israel
180 learning hours
Coaching is one of the most successful methods to promote wellbeing and self-actualization.
The coaching process deals with self-clarification and introspection into who we are which includes an exploration of our goals and ambitions. In this course, we will acquire practical coaching skills that will enable us to cope with life more effectively and creatively as we learn to construct our present and future lives from a place of influence, choice and meaning. We will also learn to change habits that no longer serve us. In addition, the course provides an overview and methods from the field of NLP in order to gain insight that will empower the effectiveness of the coaching process.
Objectives of the Course
-To gain knowledge of the fields of coaching, NLP, and their unique terms
- Self-development and achieving personal goals.
-Professional training as a personal coach while developing a personal coaching style.
Target Audience
Educators and teachers, Yeshiva graduates, consultants, therapists, counselors and others that will accepted to the program after sending in a CV and personal interview. Minimum age for acceptance is 24 years old.
Main Topics
Development of awareness to personal skills and resources:
Creating a personal vision that is connected to the meaning of life
Tools and models in the personal training process
Coaching for an improved quality of life
Detection of limiting beliefs/ preventative paradigms
Training for effective communication and building relationships
Development of personal leadership and to take action from a meaningful place
Professional ethics in coaching
Marketing and development of a career as a coach
Upon completion of course's requirements, a certificate will be granted following the completion of the courses at Yanar Center with the cooperation of the Association of Counselors and Family Therapists in Israel and with the cooperation of the Coaching Institute. This entitles the student to the certificate only after completing all of the course's requirements. Completion of this course will allow its graduates to work as a personal coach. Those interested in being registered in the Coaching Institute as certified coachers can continue in the certification program (practicum, supervision and amount of coaching sessions) with accordance to the requirements of the institute. The certification process is not under the responsibility of Yanar center and is not in authority for their certification.
Educational Staff
The educational staff consists of a varied groups of professional educators as well as several renown personal coaches recognized by the Coaching Institute and the Association for Counselors and Therapists.
For more information you can contact the English Department
Ariella 02-6321619